Virtual Practice Guidelines

There are times where some of our events are held virtually utilizing the Zoom Meeting application. If you wish to take part in virtual events this page contains the information to get setup and the practices and guidelines that we follow. Events are announced through our mailing list and here on the website. When an event is announced there will be a link for the meeting or other instructions on how to take part in the meeting.

Download the Zoom Client for your computer or device. You can click on the Join Meeting Link associated with the event and it will walk you through installing the software. Do get yourself setup before the meeting. You can join the meeting early; you will simply wait until the host (Tahoma) starts the meeting.

All microphones will be muted by default, please keep them muted during the event. Due to the limitations of the internet, different connections, computer speed, bandwidth etc we cannot keep everyone in sync for chanting if everyone is broadcasting. So chant along with the densu (chant leader) and then follow the prompts from the jikijitsu (time keeper) for the rest of the service. 

At the end of some events there will be time to allow for socialization. During these times you should unmute only for speaking and then resume muting. There are “tap to mute” controls in the Zoom preferences. Remember to keep the channel muted throughout the service as you can be heard by everyone. 

Download our Sutra Books:
Tahoma Sutra Book
Zazenkai Chant Book (contains Dai Sagaki)

Best practices for virtual gatherings:

  • Your first time taking part in a Zoom meeting with your computer, Zoom will automatically install the needed software. For tablet or smart phone users, you will need to download “Zoom Cloud Meetings”.
  • Microphones will be muted for the sitting. During the informal discussion at the end, wear ear phones (if you have them) to help reduce feedback noise. Otherwise, unmute your mic only when speaking. Mute again when done. You can use the Tap to Speak option for this.
  • Turn up the volume on your speakers to clearly hear the bells and announcements.
  • Using your camera is not necessary, but if you prefer to position your camera so we can see you sitting with us.
  • Turn on Original Sound which will allow for more clear audio for chanting, bells and the like.
  • If you have a poor internet connection, turn off your video.

We will not be able to provide technical support during events.
Feel free to contact us afterwards if you’d like some help for the next weeks service.

Orientation for Virtual Sesshin
If taking part in a virtual sesshin, please read the orientation.