Tahoma History

This page is in development, this brief history will be replaced shortly with a more complete history and timeline. Thank you for your patience.

Tahoma-san Sōgen-ji Zen Monastery is a traditional Rinzai Zen Training Zen Monastery in North America.

The monastery was founded in 1995 by Taigen Shōdō Harada Rōshi, the abbot of Sōgen-ji, a Rinzai Zen training monastery in Okayama, Japan, and Daichi Zenni, his senior student and translator. Harada Roshi and Daichi Zenni both trained under Mumon Yamada Roshi of Myoshin Ji. Located on Whidbey Island just north of Seattle in Washington State, U.S.A., Tahoma Zen Monastery maintains a daily schedule of morning and evening meditation , intensive meditation training with Shodo Harada Roshi three times a year in February, May, and September and short kosesshin with monastery residents in between.

Shodo Harada Roshi was formally installed as Abbot of Tahoma Zen Monastery on September 14, 2011, although he continues his intensive teaching schedule at Sogenji and around the world. His disciple Daichi Roshi was also installed as Co-Abbot at that time.