Please note that Myosho will be unable to ship calendars from December 5th through January 5th. You can pick them up in person at Tahoma Zen Monastery, Water Moon Dojo Seattle or Tanden Zendo LA. Please contact those establishments to arrange pickups. Contact Myosho with orders or questions: calendar@tahomazenmonastery.com
Greetings for the Year of the Tiger!
Harada Roshi’s 2022 One Drop Calendars are now available.
20”x 26” Hand Screened on high quality paper.
If you are able to pick up your calendar in person at a One Drop Zendo:
1 calendar $20
10 calendars $175
Shipping is also available:
1 calendar mailed to one U.S. address $30
10 calendars mailed to a single U.S address $210.
Calendars can be mailed to Canada for additional postage. Unfortunately, calendars are available only to the U. S. and Canada.
(The change in pricing reflects rises on both printing and postage costs.)
To order calendars, please contact Myosho at: calendar@tahomazenmonastery.com