October 2021 Weekend Retreat

October 22nd-24th, 2021

Keeping ones practice solid, energetic and ever deepening is why we push hard during the training period. Keeping up the momentum in October we offer a long weekend retreat. Two full days followed by a half day on Sunday to deepen or renew your commitment.  We will continue our investigation of the Letters of Dahui and his teachings for lay practitioners without ready access to a teacher. Truly valuable teachings for these times and for lay practice in general.  This retreat is offered virtually with limited in-person attendance, restricted to those in the local area, contact us if interested.  

Essential Information
• Download the full schedule: October Weekend Retreat Schedule
• The sutra book we will be using can be downloaded here: Virtual Sutra book
• Read these posts:  Guidelines for Virtual Events and Orientation to Virtual Sesshin.
• To receive the links for Virtual Events by email: Tahoma Virtual Events mailing list.

Zoom Link for Online Retreat:  [Event has passed]

Continue reading “October 2021 Weekend Retreat”

May Weekend Intensive Schedule

May 28th-30th, 2021
Tahoma Zen Monastery

Join us in person at Tahoma Zen Monastery or online this May for a weekend retreat as we continue with the Spring Training Period.

For all in-person attendance you must be be fully vaccinated (two weeks past the final shot). For those interested in participating in-person please contact us to express your interest so we can accurately plan meals. For those who would like to stay on campus for the weekend please contact us to arrange accommodations

To participate online please download the Virtual Sutra book and check out these posts for getting the most out of a virtual sesshin:  Guidelines for Virtual Events and Orientation to Virtual Sesshin.

Zoom Link:   [event has passed]

Retreat Schedule

Friday, May 28th

6:00pmUninterrupted Zazen; Kinhin;
7:00pmZazen; Zazen; Kinhin;
8:00pmZazen; Zazen; Kinhin
All times Pacific Time. Please arrive/tune in ten minutes before scheduled events.
Events in Bold will be streamed.

Saturday May 29th

5:00amChoka  (Sutras p.3-14); Han; Kinhin
6:00amZazen; Zazen
7:00amBreakfast Break
10:30amOutside Zazen; Kinhin
11:55amLunch Break
2:00pmDharma Talk; Kinhin; Zazen; Zazen
4:00pmPhysical/Outside practice
5:00pmDinner Break
6:00pmUninterrupted Zazen; Kinhin;
7:00pmZazen; Zazen; Kinhin
8:00pmZazen; Zazen
All times Pacific Time. Please arrive/tune in ten minutes before scheduled events.
Events in Bold will be streamed.

Sunday, May 30th

5:00amChoka  (sutras p.3-7,10,12,13); Han; Kinhin
6:30amBreakfast break
8:00amZazenkai  (sutras p.3,10,14)
9:30am“Tea” – Conversation and questions
All times Pacific Time. Please arrive/tune in ten minutes before scheduled events.
Events in Bold will be streamed.

Download the full schedule: Weekend Intensive Schedule

May Weekend Intensive

May 28th-30th, 2021
Tahoma Zen Monastery

Join us in person at Tahoma Zen Monastery or online this May for a weekend retreat as we continue with the Spring Training Period. We will begin with extended evening Zazen on Friday, have a full day of practice on Saturday and conclude with Zazenkai on Sunday.  Take this opportunity to maintain and deepen your practice. We encourage you to try to adhere to as much of the schedule as you are committing to. For those participating online the retreat requires some extra commitment toward self-direction for much of the practice. But the rewards are just as great.  

For in-person attendance you must be able be fully vaccinated (two weeks past the final shot). As per new CDC Guidelines which Washington State is following if everyone is fully vaccinated no masking is required. Thus we will require vaccines for all attendance and no masks. The zendo is setup for people to be well spaced and there will be open windows in all public spaces for increased airflow. We will also expect regular hand washing and the use of hand sanitizer before meals. As we navigate the return of in-person events we hope that everyone will practice forbearance and understanding. We all must respond to circumstance.

For those interested in participating in-person please contact us to express your interest so we can accurately plan meals. For those who would like to stay over the weekend camping is available and a very limited amount of indoor residency options. Please contact us to arrange accommodations

Zoom Link:   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85952797446?pwd=RGJNQlhvRUtMajFQWkNaYlJYVFVxZz09

We begin Friday May 28th with an evening block of zazen:
5:55pm to 8:45pm: Zazen

On Saturday May 29th will be four broadcast blocks throughout the day:
4:55am – 6:55am: Choka and zazen
10:25am to 11:55am: Zazen
1:55pm to 4pm: Dharma Talk and Zazen
5:55pm to 8:45pm: Zazen

On Sunday May 30th there will be two broadcast blocks to conclude our weekend:
4:55am – 6:30am: Choka and zazen
7:55am to 10:00am: Zazenkai: chanting, zazen, short talk, q&a

Part time and drop-in attendance for the vaccinated is allowed at all events. Only those taking part all day on Saturday can attend meals. Please see the website for details or contact us with any questions.

Dharma Talks will be from Torei Enji’s Discourse on the Inexhaustible Lamp of the Zen School. Download a free PDF of it here (45MB pdf). An archive of previous talks can be found here: Torei zenji’s Discourse talks.

Some suggestions and procedure for getting the most out of a virtual sesshin can be found in our Guidelines for Virtual Events and Orientation to Virtual Sesshin.

Retreat Schedule

Friday, May 28th

6:00pmUninterrupted Zazen; Kinhin;
7:00pmZazen; Zazen; Kinhin;
8:00pmZazen; Zazen; Kinhin
All times Pacific Time. Please arrive/tune in ten minutes before scheduled events.
Events in Bold will be streamed.

Saturday May 29th

5:00amChoka  (Sutras p.3-14); Han; Kinhin
6:00amZazen; Zazen
7:00amBreakfast Break
10:30amOutside Zazen; Kinhin
11:55amLunch Break
2:00pmDharma Talk; Kinhin; Zazen; Zazen
4:00pmPhysical/Outside practice
5:00pmDinner Break
6:00pmUninterrupted Zazen; Kinhin;
7:00pmZazen; Zazen; Kinhin
8:00pmZazen; Zazen
All times Pacific Time. Please arrive/tune in ten minutes before scheduled events.
Events in Bold will be streamed.

Sunday, May 30th

5:00amChoka  (sutras p.3-7,10,12,13); Han; Kinhin
6:30amBreakfast break
8:00amZazenkai  (sutras p.3,10,14)
9:30am“Tea” – Conversation and questions
All times Pacific Time. Please arrive/tune in ten minutes before scheduled events.
Events in Bold will be streamed.

Download Sutra book: Virtual Sutra book
To receive the links for the Virtual Events by email: Tahoma Virtual Events mailing list.

April Weekend Intensive, 2021

April 9th-11th, 2021

Join us online this April for a weekend retreat as we continue with the Spring Training Period. We will begin with evening Zazen on Friday, have a full day of practice on Saturday and conclude with Zazenkai on Sunday.  Take this opportunity to maintain and deepen your practice. We encourage you to try to adhere to as much of the schedule as you are committing to. Online retreats require some extra commitment as we must self-direct much of our practice. But the rewards are just as great.  

We begin Friday April 9th with an evening block of zazen:
5:55pm to 8:45pm: Zazen

On Saturday April 10th will be four broadcast blocks throughout the day:
4:55am – 6:55am: Choka and zazen
10:25am to 11:55am: Zazen
1:55pm to 4pm: Dharma Talk and Zazen
5:55pm to 8:45pm: Zazen

On Sunday April 11th there will be two broadcast blocks to conclude our weekend:
4:55am – 6:30am: Choka and zazen
7:55am to 10:00am: Zazenkai: chanting, zazen, short talk, q&a

Drop-in attendance is allowed at all events on Friday and Saturday with masks required. There are no public events on Sunday. At this time we still are not able to allow for residency or shared meals. We encourage people to come for the samu period from 8:15am-10am. Please see the website for details or contact us with any questions.

Dharma Talks will be from Torei Enji’s Discourse on the Inexhaustible Lamp of the Zen School. Download a free PDF of it here (45MB pdf). An archive of previous talks can be found here: Torei zenji’s Discourse talks.

Some suggestions and procedure for getting the most out of a virtual sesshin can be found in our 
Guidelines for Virtual Events and Orientation to Virtual Sesshin.

Zoom Link: [event has passed]

Retreat Schedule

Friday, April 9th

6:00pmUninterrupted Zazen; Kinhin;
7:00pmZazen; Zazen; Kinhin;
8:00pmZazen; Zazen; Kinhin
ll times Pacific Time. Please tune in five minutes before scheduled events.
Events in Bold will be streamed. All other events are self-directed
All Bolded events can be attended in-person (masks required). Please contact us for details.

Saturday April 10th

5:00amChoka  (Sutras p.3-14); Han; Kinhin
6:00amZazen; Zazen
7:00amBreakfast Break
10:30amZazen Zazen; Kinhin
11:55amLunch Break
2:00pmDharma Talk; Kinhin; Zazen; Zazen
4:00pmPhysical/Outside practice
5:00pmDinner Break
6:00pmUninterrupted Zazen; Kinhin;
7:00pmZazen; Zazen; Kinhin
8:00pmZazen; Zazen
All times Pacific Time. Please tune in five minutes before scheduled events.
Events in Bold will be streamed. All other events are self-directed
Samu and all Bolded events can be attended in-person (masks required). Please contact us for details.

Sunday, April 11th

5:00amChoka  (sutras p.3-7,10,12,13); Han; Kinhin
6:30amBreakfast break
8:00amZazenkai  (sutras p.3,10,14)
9:30am“Tea” – Conversation and questions
ll times Pacific Time. Please tune in five minutes before scheduled events.
Events in Bold will be streamed. All other events are self-directed
No In-Person events on this day.

Download Sutra book: Virtual Sutra book
To receive the links for the Virtual Events by email: Tahoma Virtual Events mailing list.