One Drop Seattle ~ Water Moon Dōjō
Seattle’s center for zazen, in the Rinzai tradition of Yamada Mumon, Shodo Harada, and Daichi Zenni Roshis, is located on the western edge of Fremont neighborhood in Seattle at 4231 6th Ave. NW., Seattle, WA, 98107. It is the dark green house across from Hale’s Ales on Leary Way. Parking is available on the street, or across Leary Way by the Fred Meyers.*
Currently we offer zazen [followed by tea] on Monday nights from 7 – 8:30 pm, Tuesday mornings from 6:30 – 8:30 am *, Thursday mornings from 6:30 – 7:30 am, and Saturday morning from 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. [*Note: Tuesday morning zazen hosts a longer choka/sutra chanting.]
It is recommended to wear comfortable (subdued color) clothing. We have zafus, zabutons, a few seiza benches and chairs if needed but feel free to bring your own cushion(s).
Kindly remove shoes by the door. Please arrive before the start times as we do begin promptly. If you need instruction, please email or call the number below and arrange a time.
If you need to leave zazen early, you can quietly slip out during kinhin (walking meditation).
Please let us know if you need orientation to zen practice or any other questions. Updates or changes in the schedule will be posted here.
Arigato & deep bow…
For more information contact: japaneseacupuncture(at) (206.930.1238).