July 17th Daylong Intensive

Join us for a full day of practice in July. In-person attendance is encouraged for the fully vaccinated, but we will also offer the retreat via Zoom. People are welcome to arrive before evening Zazen on Friday and stay through Zazenkai on Sunday morning for a weekend of practice. This will be the final daylong retreat before the September training month, so a good opportunity to deepen your practice beforehand.

For the fully vaccinated who would like to join us in person, please email us to make arrangements: Tahoma@tahomazenmonastery.com

For those unable to commit to the full day drop-in attendance for any of the bolded events in the below schedule is encouraged for the fully vaccinated.


Saturday July 17th

5:00amChoka (sutras p.3-14)Han;  Kinhin
6:00amZazen; Zazen
7:00amBreakfast; Cleanup
11:00amOutside Uninterrupted Zazen
11:55amLunch; Cleanup
2:00pmDharma Talk; Kinhin
3:00pmZazen; Zazen
4:00pmOutside practice
5:00pmDinner [informal; optional]; Cleanup
6:00pmUninterrupted ZazenHan; Kinhin; 
7:00pmZazenZazen; Kinhin
8:00pmZazen; Zazen
All times Pacific Time. Please arrive/tune in ten minutes before scheduled events.
Events in Bold will be streamed. 

A printable version of the monastery schedule is here: July 2021 Daylong Intensive.

For details on outside practice please see this text: Dewdrops on Stinging Nettles – Outside Practices

Online Retreat

For those joining us online we will broadcast four blocks throughout the day:
5am to 7am: Choka; Zazen
11am to Noon: Zazen
2pm to 4pm: Dharma Talk; Zazen
6pm to 9pm: Zazen

Zoom Link: [event has passed]

Suggestions and procedure for getting the most out of a virtual retreat can be found in our Guidelines for Virtual Events and Orientation to Virtual Sesshin.

Want our Zoom links via email? Join the Virtual Events Announcement mailing list.

We are only able hold these events thanks your generous support.

July Daylong Retreat

July 18th Virtual Daylong Retreat
Tahoma Zen Monastery

Join us online for our July Daylong Retreat. All of the sitting periods will be broadcast online and we will follow the schedule of the recent virtual Sesshin.  Drop-in attendance for the zazen and samu periods will be allowed though we will not be able to accommodate any communal activities beyond that.  Drop-in attendance for Choka and the Dharma Talk are not available. Masks required for attendance at any events.

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86373821356?pwd=MjA3YkhMMGZQbGFBUG11bUdMSWl5dz09

Saturday July 18th Schedule 

5:00amChoka (Sutras); sampai ; Han
5:40amZazen [short period]; Kinhin
6:05amZazen; Zazen
7:00amBreakfast / samu / break
11:00amUninterrupted Outside Zazen 
12:00pmLunch / break
2:00pmDharma Talk; Zazen; Kinhin
3:00pmZazen; Zazen
4:00pmOutside Practice / Dinner / Break
6:00pmUninterrupted ZazenKinhin
7:00pmZazen; ZazenKinhin
8:00pmZazen; Zazen
8:50pmKaichin / Yaza
All times  Pacific Time.
Events in Bold will be streamed, events in Italics are self-directed.
Please tune into events five (5) minutes early

Download the sutra book here: Tahoma Sutra book
Dai Segaki can be found here:  Chant booklet

Before taking part in a Virtual Event at Tahoma please read this post:
Guidelines for Virtual Events

To receive the links for the Virtual Events by email:
Tahoma Virtual Events mailing list.

Thank your for your continuing support and please email us with any questions:  Contact Information

Notes and sources for the Dharma talks will be posted here, after the end of weekend.

April 25th, 2020 Virtual Day of Practice

April 25th, 2020 Virtual Day of Practice

Every month we try to offer a full day of practice, a one day retreat. In such times were we are not able to meet together in person, we will hold these events virtually utilizing the Zoom Platform. We will necessarily be modifying this event from our stand Day of Practice schedule as we all have to attend to our own meals, samu and breaks.

For this virtual Day of Practice we will offer periods of zazen throughout the day. The day will run from 5:00a.m. until 8:30p.m. with four main periods throughout the day. The Zoom link will allow you to join in for any of these events for as long as you are able. There will be periodic breaks and periods of walking meditation which will be announce and which you will undertake on your own.

We will follow the standard Tahoma Choka, with the omission of Enmei Jukko Kannon Gyo and after The Four Great Vows we will chant Dai Segaki for the dead and dying and then conclude with Sampai.

Download sutra book here: Tahoma Sutra book
Dai Segaki can be found here: Chant booklet

Click this link to Join the event: [Event has now passed]

The Schedule for this day will be

5:00am-6:00amChoka (Sutras); Zazen; Kinhin
6:00am to 6:55amZazen; Zazen
7:00am to 11:00amBreakfast / samu / break
11:00am-11:50amUninterrupted Zazen
12pm-1:30pmLunch / break
1:30pm-2:30pmDharma Talk; Zazen; Kinhin
2:30-3:30Zazen; Zazen
3:30pm-5:30pmIndividual Practice / dinner / Break
5:30pm-6:30pmUninterrupted Zazen; Kinhin
6:30pm-7:30pmZazen; Zazen; Kinhin
7:30pm-8:30pmZazen; Zazen
Events in Bold will be streamed, events in Italics are self-directed.

Before taking part in a Virtual Event at Tahoma please read this post:
Guidelines for Virtual Events

To receive the link for the Virtual even please join this mailing list:
Tahoma Virtual Events mailing list.

You can find an overview as well as an archive of the dharma talk from this event here:
The Practice of Questioning

Virtual Day of Practice

April 25th, 2020 Virtual Day of Practice

Every month we try to offer a full day of practice, a one day retreat. In such times were we are not able to meet together in person, we will hold these events virtually utilizing the Zoom Platform. We will necessarily be modifying this event from our stand Day of Practice schedule as we all have to attend to our own meals, samu and breaks. Please see the schedule below and read through our Guidelines for Virtual Events and join the Tahoma Virtual Events mailing list. The link for the Zoom meeting will only be sent out via the email list.

For this virtual Day of Practice we will offer periods of zazen throughout the day. The day will run from 5:00a.m. until 8:30p.m. with four main periods throughout the day. The Zoom link will allow you to join in for any of these events for as long as you are able. There will be periodic breaks and periods of walking meditation which will be announce and which you will undertake on your own.

The Schedule for this day will be

5:00am-7:00amChoka (Sutras); Zazen
7:00am to 11:00amBreakfast / samu / break
12pm-1:30pmLunch / break
1:30pm-3:30pmDharma Talk; Zazen
3:30pm-5:30pmBreak / dinner
5:30pm-6:30pmUninterrupted Zazen
Events in Bold will be streamed, events in Italics are self-directed.

Before taking part in a Virtual Event at Tahoma please read this post:
Guidelines for Virtual Events

To receive the link for the Virtual even please join this mailing list:
Tahoma Virtual Events mailing list.