Vernal Equinox Online Retreat

Vernal Equinox Retreat
March 15th-21st, 2021 –Online Only-

March heralds the beginning of spring and with it our spring training period. Please join us online from March 15th through the 21st for a weeklong retreat. This retreat is a fully virtual sesshin meaning that anyone, anywhere can take part for as much as one is able. As always we recommend committing to what you are able to attend and then holding the sesshin spirit for that period.  Sesshin is always and only as deep and powerful as you make it.

Broadcast Periods
4:55am – 6:55am: Choka and zazen
9:55am to 11:55am: Zazen
1:55pm to 4pm: Dharma Talk and Zazen
5:55pm to 8:45pm: Zazen

As with all of our online events there will be four broadcast blocks throughout the day. Beyond that we have a detailed daily schedule that is posted below. Please note the different schedules on the first and final days. We strongly encourage you to try to adhere to as much of the schedule as you are committing to;  have your meals when we do, work around your domicile during the samu period, engage in some form of exercise during the physical practice period, keep conversations to a bare, functional minimum, eliminate media consumption and so on.  Hold the sesshin spirit!  

The Dharma Talk will be from Torei Enji’s Discourse on the Inexhaustible Lamp of the Zen School. Download a free PDF of it here (45MB pdf). An archive of previous talks can be found here: Torei zenji’s Discourse talks.

Some suggestions and procedure for getting the most out of a virtual sesshin can be found in our Guidelines for Virtual Events and Orientation to Virtual Sesshin.

Download the full schedule here: Vernal Equinox Retreat Schedule (pdf).

Join Zoom Meeting: [event has passed]

Retreat Schedule

Monday, March 15th

6:00pm*Opening Sutra (p.16); Introductory Talk
6:30pm*Uninterrupted Zazen; Kinhin;
7:30pm*Zazen; Zazen; Kinhin
8:45pm*Han; Closing Sutra (p.17); Sampai
ll times Pacific Time. Please tune in five minutes before scheduled events.
Events in Bold will be streamed. All other events are self-directed
*These Events can be attended in-person (masks required) please contact us for details.

Tuesday, March 13th-Saturday March 21st

5:00amChoka  (Sutras p.3-14); Han; Kinhin
6:00amZazen; Zazen
7:00amBreakfast; Cleanup
10:00am*Uninterrupted Zazen; Kinhin
11:00am*Zazen; Zazen
11:55amLunch; Cleanup
2:00pmDharma Talk; Kinhin; Zazen; Zazen
4:00pmPhysical/Outside practice
5:00pmDinner; Cleanup
6:00pm*Uninterrupted Zazen; Kinhin;
7:00pm*Zazen; Zazen; Kinhin
8:00pm*Zazen; Zazen
8:45pm*Han; Closing Sutra (p.17); Sampai
All times Pacific Time. Please tune in five minutes before scheduled events.
Events in Bold will be streamed. All other events are self-directed
*These Events can be attended in-person (masks required) please contact us for details.

Sunday, March 21st

5:00amChoka  (sutras p.3-7,10,12,13); Han; Kinhin
8:00amZazenkai  (sutras p.3,10,13)
10:00amZazen; Zazen; Closing Sutra (p.6,7)
11:00amQ&A/Book Discussion
ll times Pacific Time. Please tune in five minutes before scheduled events.
Events in Bold will be streamed. All other events are self-directed
No In-Person events on this day.

Download Sutra book: Virtual Sutra book
To receive the links for the Virtual Events by email: Tahoma Virtual Events mailing list.

There is no fee for participating in this event but do be mindful that virtual events also utilize resources and the monastery does have regular expenses in order to keep open. We wish to facilitate the practice and promote the dharma as widely as possible, thus our practice of putting on these events without cost. This is especially important in these times with so many out of work and confined to home. For those who are able to offer support, we appreciate your including us in your consideration. Thank your for your continuing support and please email us with any questions: Contact Information.