Power Out at Tahoma

November 9th Update: Power has now been restored at Tahoma and all activities are proceeding as normal.

The evening of the 4th there was a massive wind and rain storm that brought down many, many trees on the island. The power has been out since the early morning and the current estimate for its restoration is November 7th. That it should be noted is two days from the time of this post. The lack of power will affect some of the events here this week.

In general we will continue to follow the schedule here. There is no heat in the zendo and it is now expected to turn very cold. In the main I would encourage people to wait until the power is restored before attending any events. We will update here on the blog as well as on the Events Mailing List once power is firmly restored.

Zazenkai: There will be no Zazenkai online or in person on November 6th.

Morning Practice with Seattle One Drop Water Moon: We are going to postpone this to the following Tuesday: November 15th.

Tahoma Spring Reopening Guidance

Tahoma Zen Monastery is now operating on its regular schedule for the Fully Vaccinated.

WA State’s mask mandate ended mid-March and we have been carefully monitoring the state of the pandemic in our region. While there is still ongoing concern with new variants we are beginning the process of resuming our regular schedule.

All of our daily and monthly events are open for those who are fully vaccinated. Fully vaccinated includes the booster. Thus we will hold our regular Choka, Evening Zazen, Zazenkai and Retreats for those who are fully vaccinated without masks. Zazenkai tea will be held out doors on the Kitchen Deck throughout the summer.

We are still maintaining distance in the zendo and will keeping windows open to keep the air circulating. Masks are optional and we absolutely respect anyone’s choice to wear one or not. It is still best practice to stay home if you feel sick and to continue to regularly wash your hands and use hand sanitizer. We will adopt guidance as it becomes available and respond to circumstances as warranted. Please always check the website for updates on our status before coming to any event.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Tahoma Reopening Guidance

Tahoma Zen Monastery is now operating on its regular schedule for the Fully Vaccinated.

As per CDC guidelines, which WA State has adopted, indoor activities can be undertaken without masks for those who are fully vaccinated. Thus we will hold our regular Choka, Evening Zazen, Zazenkai and Retreats for those who are vaccinated without masks. Zazenkai tea will be held out doors on the Kitchen Deck throughout the summer.

As per WA State guidelines we still must operate at 50% capacity and the zendo has been setup with this in mind. If one finds each seat in the Zendo occupied we ask that you come at another time. These restrictions are expected to lift by the end of June.

It is still best practice to stay home if you feel sick and to continue to regularly wash your hands and use hand sanitizer.

Apart from the Zendo during scheduled practice periods please continue to stay out of the buildings.

We welcome people to continue to enjoy the grounds which can be walked by anyone without a mask.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.