Rohatsu at Water Moon Dojo Seattle

The special Rohatsu schedule starts Sunday, Dec. 1st and ends on Sunday, Dec. 8th.  Zazen will start at 6:30a.m. each day, ending with a mini-sesshin on Dec. 8th.

The mini-sesshin will include a breakfast of oatmeal, fruit compote, peanut butter, raisins, sugar,and granola.  If you would like to donate or cook any of these items, reply to this email.

Zazen Schedule for Rohatsu

Sunday, 12/1:       6:30-7:30 AM
Monday, 12/2:       6:30-7:30 AM    & 7-8:30 PM
Tuesday, 12/3:       6:30-8:30 AM
Wednesday, 12/4:  6:30-7:30 AM
Thursday, 12/5:      6:30-7:30 AM
Friday, 12/6:           6:30-7:30 AM
Saturday, 12/7:      6:30-8:30 AM
Sunday, 12/8:        6:30-11:15 AM 
(formal breakfast at 8AM, Sitting for part of mini-sesshin is allowed.)

For more information check the Watermoon website or contact Celia Bowker.