Samu Day at Tahoma April 27th

The May 2019 training period at Tahoma Zen Monastery begins on Sunday May 5th.  We will have a day of samu on Saturday, April 27th so that we may all work together to ready the monastery for this period of training. Samu is a natural extension of our training allowing us to freely move from work on the cushion to simple work with our hands, to the complex interactions of our daily lives. This day of samu will allow us to engage in this deep work and to share our efforts with the sangha.  So please join us for any part of the work period that you can. A simple lunch will be provided after the samu period.

Samu Day Schedule
5:00am Choka
6:00am Zazen
7:00am Formal Breakfast
8:30am Samu begins
12:15pm Samu Ends/Cleanup
12:30pm Lunch

We will be on the regular monastery schedule on this day and everyone is welcome to come for any part of it. If you would like to come for choka and take part in the formal morning meal do let us know you are coming for planning purposes. Please email us at

Directions to the monastery can be found here.

May 2019 Training Period Application Available

The May 2019 training period at Tahoma Zen Monastery begins on Sunday, the 5th, and concludes Tuesday, the 21st.

FULL TIME RESIDENTIAL TRAINING is available May 5 – 21, 2019

SAMU OSESSHIN – Sunday, May 5 – Sunday, May 12, 2019
Kokuho is Sunday evening, May 5.  Osesshin, led by Harada Roshi, concludes the evening of Sunday, May 12th.  Full time participation is required.
The application is here:  Sesshin Application

A memorial ceremony will be held for Tanzan Jon Sholle at Tahoma Zen Monastery on Wednesday, May 8. Guests are invited to attend.  The exact time of the service will be announced.

SAMU OSESSHIN – Tuesday, May 14 – Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Kokuho is Tuesday evening, May 14th.  Seven full days of sitting led by Daichi Zenni.  Please note that full time participation for this Osesshin in not required.  Therefore, comings and goings are permitted.  In order for this Osesshin to run smoothly we request that you provide your arrival and departure dates and approximate times.  Please keep us updated of any changes.  Daichi Zenni will remain in residence at Tahoma Zen Monastery on May 22nd and 23rd.
Application here: Sesshin Application

Daichi Zenni will lead a workshop at Water Moon Dojo in Seattle on Saturday, May 25th and Sunday, May 26th.  Please register directly with Water Moon Dojo by contacting Malcolm Best,, or by calling (731) 599-2837.

The Tahoma application deadline is Monday, April 1st.  Acceptance emails will be sent soon after the deadline date. Please send your sesshin fee once you have been notified of your acceptance.  The maximum cost for the entire month is $600.  The cost of Osesshin is $400. The cost of Daichi Roshi’s Osesshin is $400 or $60/day for part time attendance.

Upon confirmation of acceptance please send checks to:

Rozan Lenny Gerson
2552 NE 46th Ave
Portland, OR 97213

Schedules, guidelines for conduct, and directions to the monastery can be found here.

Temple housing is limited so we appreciate your flexibility.  Any help with set up before or clean up following sesshin is greatly appreciated.  There may be a wait-list for any “segment” of this month of practice. People on the wait-list will be contacted immediately as spaces become available.

Thank you,
Rozan Lenny Gerson