April 30th Samu Day

April 30th Samu Day at Tahoma

Spring with all its fecundity means that the flora in the garden, columbarium and grounds have entered a phase of riotous growth. As we prepare our buildings and ground for May Sesshin after a long hiatus there is much work to be done and your help is needed more than ever.  We will work until around noon and then a light lunch will be offered. Please join us in getting our monastery ready for summer!

April 30th 8:30am, to 12:00 (PDT).
Please do not arrive overly early.
Gather at the Kitchen deck.
Be prepared for outside work, though we will also have inside work for those so inclined.
We are able to widely spread out people if desired distanced work.
Directions to Tahoma Zen Monastery: Getting Here.

Please contact us if you have any questions: contact information.

Snow Day

The Day after our Winter Retreat came to a close we woke up to an active snowfall. It has been fairly mild since the very cold week at the end of December and signs of spring were everywhere: daffodils and tulips popping up everywhere, buds and new growth on all the trees, little flowers on the umi and cherry trees, leaves bursting out on a few shrubs and trees and so on.

“Tending Clouds’

The snow this morning was very wet with slush everywhere. This late in the winter (a month to spring!) dry powder is a real rarity. But as the sky lightened it cooled down a little further and light dryer snow continued to fall.

Into the woods
Continue reading “Snow Day”

April 24th Samu Day

April Samu Days at Tahoma

Spring with all it’s fecundity means that the flora in the garden, columbarium and grounds have entered a phase of riotous growth. Without our May samu sesshin to bring many hands to the epic amount of work required your help is needed more than ever.  Over the next few months we will periodically be open on Saturdays for safe Physically Distanced samu.  We can have people wildly separated in the multiple regions that need work and we can all safely work out of doors.  We will provide refreshments to fuel our labor and strive to keep everyone safe and happy. We hope to see you here!

April 24th 9:00am, to 12:30 (PDT).
Please do not arrive overly early. Meet at the Kitchen deck and please wear your mask.
Directions to Tahoma Zen Monastery: Getting Here.

Please contact us if you have any questions: contact information.

If you can’t make it this weekend, our next samu day will be May 8th.