April 30th Samu Day at Tahoma
Spring with all its fecundity means that the flora in the garden, columbarium and grounds have entered a phase of riotous growth. As we prepare our buildings and ground for May Sesshin after a long hiatus there is much work to be done and your help is needed more than ever. We will work until around noon and then a light lunch will be offered. Please join us in getting our monastery ready for summer!
April 30th 8:30am, to 12:00 (PDT).
Please do not arrive overly early.
Gather at the Kitchen deck.
Be prepared for outside work, though we will also have inside work for those so inclined.
We are able to widely spread out people if desired distanced work.
Directions to Tahoma Zen Monastery: Getting Here.
Please contact us if you have any questions: contact information.