Spring 2021 Appeal

Dear Tahoma family and One Drop Zendo Students,

We hope you all are staying safe and managing to persevere through this difficult time. Roshi’s thoughts and concern and best wishes are constantly with you all.

We are looking forward to resuming our sesshins at Tahoma, and if all continues to go well, we will be doing Osesshin at Tahoma in September 2021!  We are very much looking forward to that day!!

Tahoma has remained active during this time of Pandemic, utilizing online methods to support sitting and sharing teachings, thanks to Tendo Zenji.  As Head Monk, Tendo has also provided excellent care of the gardens, grounds, buildings, and maintaining Tahoma’s infrastructure – even when there were no public events or visitors. 

Tahoma continues to be quite healthy, in terms of providing opportunities to practice and train. However, Tahoma is now over 20 years old, and in need of repair and refreshment, to maintain our structures’ health.  In this long year of no visitors’ donations or sesshin fees, our donations are now in an unhealthy condition, and we find that we must ask our supporters for donations, so that we can continue to gather and practice at Tahoma in the future. We are grateful to those who have donated, even during this chaotic time.

Even though the Roshi has not been at Tahoma, he has been teaching and guiding us with his Guidance in the Time of  Corona Time teachings (see attached, below), Newsletter Q&As, Webinar Teishos and his New Year Greetings Teisho. 

Our current needs for Tahoma are varied, and include ongoing Temple expenses, such as taxes and maintenance, as well as continuing to update the Zendo and Dining Hall.

We have been deeply touched by the many people who have written to say how grateful they are for Zazen and the Roshi’s teachings during this past year.  Now, to keep that depth alive and go even deeper and steadier, for all of us and for all of those whom we touch, we ask for your generous support.  

With many bows of thanks, please send donations via: https://www.tahomazenmonastery.com/donate/

With deepest gratitude,

As part of our endeavor to continue sharing the teachings that Roshi has made available to us this year, as well as a measure of gratitude toward everyone who has supported Tahoma in myriad ways this year, we have made available an eBook of Roshi’s Guidance in the Time of Corona (pdf).

On a personal note, I would like to offer deep bows of gratitude for all the support we have been given this year. So many have contributed in many ways, large and small, material and immaterial throughout this year. I am constantly humbled by the generosity of the sangha. I also have been so happy to see such sincerity and dedication from the many people who have attended our online, virtual offerings. As soon as the various lockdowns, quarantines, stay-at-home orders came into effect I felt that there had to be a way to continue to engage with the practice, that it was indeed more important than ever.  As we look forward to joyous face-to-face gatherings I hope that we can all join together to help keep the monastery going and support these efforts we have made to share the dharma with all.

thank you,
Tendo zenji

Office Computer Fundraiser

At this time of increasing online events we are really in need of a newer MacBook. Our office computer is nearing eight (8) years in age (ancient in computer years) and is ready to take it easy for a while before retiring. It is not up to the task of streaming our Virtual Events which we are currently managing by utilizing the residents personal machines. That of course is not sustainable and as we will be streaming events throughout the year our need demands a response.

As announced in the May Newsletter, we are currently in the midst of raising funds to purchase a replacement machine. We have made great progress as its only been a few days since the announcement. But we do still have a ways to go. Do help us reach our goal! The sooner we reach it, the sooner we will have better equipment for our broadcasts.

Donations can be made online via PayPal. All major credit cards are accepted and a PayPal account not required.