August Day of Practice

August Day of Practice at Tahoma 

Continuing our regularly scheduled day of practice we will devote Saturday August 18th  to zazen.  With the September training period just around the corner this is a great way to begin to deepen your practice in preparation. As always one is welcome to come before evening zazen on Friday and stay through Zazenkai on Sunday for a full 36 hours of practice. Further details on practice at Tahoma over this weekend can be found at the end of this post.

The Schedule for this day will be:

August 18th Practice Day Schedule

4:50 Seated in Zendo; Gosei
5:00 Choka (Sutras)
5:40 Zazen
5:55 Kinhin
6:00 Han; Zazen; Zazen
6:55 Breakfast
Breakfast Cleanup
8:15 Samu (Clappers; meet at deck)
9:30 Same ends (Clappers)
9:50  Seated in Zendo; Gosei
10:00 Reading; Zazen; Zazen; Kinhin; Zazen; Zazen
11:55 Lunch
Kitchen Cleanup
1:50 Seated in Zendo; Gosei
2:00 Reading; Zazen; Zazen; Kinhin; Zazen; Zazen
4:00 Supper (optional, free-style)
5:20 Seated in Zendo; Gosei
5:30 Zazen; Zazen; Kinhin;
6:30 Zazen; Zazen; Kinhin; Zazen; Zazen
8:30 Kaichin in kitchen

The Monastery’s regularly scheduled periods of zazen from 5 am to 7 am and 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm will still be observed and anyone can drop in for either of these or any of the other zazen periods. You are also welcome to arrive on Friday before the Practice Day and/or stay though Zazenkai on Sunday, if you’d like to extend your practice. In all cases it is expected that the monasteries schedule will be followed.

Please email us If you’d like to attend, especially if you will be coming early or staying later or if you have any questions:

Monthly Day of Practice at Tahoma

Monthly Day of Practice at Tahoma 

For Zen practitioners it is of immeasurable value to maintain a regular zazen schedule of various durations. Thus along with the three Training Months and the Daily Practice Schedule we offer a Practice Day the third Saturday of each month. (durning September and May when there is a full month of training there will be no day of practice.)  Our standard schedule for these day’s will be:

Practice Day Schedule

4:50 Seated in Zendo; Gosei
5:00 Choka (Sutras)
5:40 Han; Zazen; Kinhin
6:00 Zazen; Zazen
6:55 Breakfast
Breakfast Cleanup
8:30 Samu (Clappers; meet at deck)
10:00 Samu ends (Clappers)
10:20  Seated in Zendo; Gosei
10:30 Zazen; Zazen; Kinhin; Zazen;
11:55 Lunch
Kitchen Cleanup
1:50 Seated in Zendo; Gosei
2:00 Dharma Talk; Zazen; Kinhin; Zazen; Zazen
4:00 Supper (optional, free-style)
5:20 Seated in Zendo; Gosei
5:30 Zazen; Zazen; Kinhin;
6:30 Zazen; Zazen; Kinhin; Zazen; Zazen
8:30 Kaichin in kitchen

The Monastery’s regularly scheduled periods of zazen from 5 am to 7am and 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm will still be observed and anyone can drop in for either of these or any of the other zazen periods. You are also welcome to arrive on Friday before the Practice Day and/or stay though Zazenkai on Sunday, if you’d like to extend your practice. In all cases it is expected that the monastery’s schedule will be followed.

Please email us If you’d like to attend, especially if you will be coming early or staying later or if you have any questions: