Dahui’s Letters

Friend of Tahoma, Zen Priest, Scholar and Translator, Thomas Yuho, Kirchner has recently published his translations of Dahui’s Letters. One of the most important texts in the Linji (Rinzai) tradition, it has not been easily accessible to the Western audience. Dahui (DaiE) wrote letters to primarily lay practitioners of a professional class address struggles with practice amidst ordinary life. The practice instructions, advice, admonitions and diagnoses of the various afflictions that beset those engage in practice, are presented in an informal, but learned colloquial manner that resonate with contemporary practitioners.

Yuho’s translation is oriented around practitioners, around daily practices and maintains the flavor, as well as the depth of Dahui’s teachings. While there have been very well done academic translations, Yuho’s is approachable, yet rigorous and most importantly affordable and easily available. The above link will take you to a very affordable digital version of the book but a paperback edition is also available.

Rohatsu Sesshin 2021

12.08.21 – Thanks to all who took part in our Rohatsu Sesshin, I dearly hope it was a fruitful experience. My apologize for being unable to broadcast the very final session, the Bodhi Day Ceremony. As I had feared the strong winds brought down trees all over the Island and we were without power for nearly 12 hours.

“Every sit builds toward sesshin; every sesshin builds toward Rohatsu.”

Tahoma will hold Rohatsu Sesshin on the traditional days, December 1st through 8th. This will be offered as an online retreat but there also be limited opportunities for those in the local area to attend in-person and our evening session will remain open to drop-in attendance (vaccination and masks required)  As the culmination of the Autumn Kessei as well as the training year, we can all dedicate ourselves to an extended week of zazen. OSesshin is always an opportunity to go deep and push ourselves beyond our limits, Rohatsu even more-so as we are asked to leave it all on the table. A virtual sesshin does demand more from us in order to deeply take advantage of the opportunity. The broadcast provides a structure, just as attending a sesshin in-person does, but the commitment is up to the individual.  If one is able commit to doing the entire sesshin, prepare yourself a space where you can minimize distractions. Have your meals planned out and the shopping completed. Work out a way to do kinhin and physical practice. Then just flow along with the schedule. During the Dharma talks we will continue our investigation of the Letters of Dahui and his teachings for lay practitioners without ready access to a teacher. Truly valuable teachings for these times and for lay practice in general.

Online Retreat Information

We will begin with a period of zazen and kokuho on November 30th. Kokuho will include any orientation information needed for online participants.  During the week of retreat Zoom broadcast throughout the day will be in four blocks with the evening broadcast becoming longer and longer as as the week goes on.  

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