Teachings and Guidance

About the Teachers
Shodo Harada Roshi is the primary teacher of the One Drop Zen Buddhist Associate and is the Abbot of Tahoma Zen Monastery. Daichi Zenni is a dharma heir of Shodo Roshi and Co-Abbot of Tahoma. For a brief bio of our primary teachers please see our Teachers page.

A Brief Tahoma History
Tahoma Zen Monastery, located on Whidbey Island in Washington State, was founded in 1995 and Roshi was officially instanced as Abbot in 2011. For a short history of the Monastery and our development here in Washington State please see our Tahoma History page.

Tahoma Newsletter
Sign up to our monthly newsletter for the latest monastery news, upcoming, events, photographs and more. Upcoming sesshin announcements and other events with Shodo Roshi and Daichi Zenni are usually announced here first. To subscribe please visit the Newsletter Signup page.

Chant Book
Download the sutra book used at Tahoma here: Tahoma Chant Book (pdf)
The Sutra book used for online events is here: Virtual Sutra Book
For Sutras in other languages see the One Drop site: sutras