November Zazen Intensive
November 9th, 2024
As we deepen our practice during the Autumn Training period please join us for a full day of Zazen. The day will run from 9:50am to 8:30pm in three blocks. One can come for as much or as little as one wishes. The schedule is such that people can easily travel here for the event and thus there is no residency option. There will not be meals served, but one is of course free to bring food or have meals off campus.
All periods are open for drop in attendance. Each hour will include zazen followed by kinhin, with the zazen periods following the schedule below. One can stay for as many periods as one is able. Please arrive/depart during the kinhin (walking meditation) periods which begin 10 minutes prior to the next period.
Broadcast Schedule
10am – noon: Zazen/Kinhin
2pm – 4:00pm: Zazen/Kinhin
6pm – 8:30pm: Zazen/Kinhin
We will continue to broadcast the sitting periods via Zoom for those unable to attend in person. The Zoom link will be posted in the days before the event. For those attending online please read this posts: Guidelines for Virtual Events .
Zoom Link: [Event has Passed]
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