Rohatsu Retreat and Bodhi Day Ceremony

Rohatsu Retreat and Bodhi Day Ceremony
December 3rd-10th, 2023

The autumn training period culminates with the Rohtasu sesshin commemorating the Buddha’s awakening.  This is always the most intense training period of the year in which one brings a years worth of training to bear.  This year Rohatsu at Tahoma will run from December 3rd through the 10th with extended practice during our regular schedule leading up to a weekend retreat and culminating in the Bodhi Day Ceremony during regular Sunday Zazenkai. The Bodhi Day ceremony this year is open to all and at the very reasonable time of 8am. I would like to encourage all in the community, especially those who haven’t come to zazenkai in while, to consider coming for this ceremony and connecting with the local sangha.  We will follow the Bodhi Day ceremony with a casual holiday gathering in the Tahoma kitchen.

This follows the pattern we have utilized with Rohatsu at Tahoma where our days get longer and more intense as we go through the week as well as acknowledging the realities of practice here at this time. Likewise as is our tradition each evening of the retreat in the first period after golden hour we will read from Hakuin Zenji’s Rohatsu Exhortations (available here). 

All of the practice periods during this time are open to drop-in attendance and during the weekend retreat, residential practice. Additionally the entire retreat will be broadcast via zoom. The Zoom link will be posted on the website in the days prior and sent out in the Tahoma Events weekly mailing.  Please contact us if you would like to take part in residential practice or if you have any additional questions.

Schedule Overview

Day 1: Sunday, December 3rd
8am – 9:30am: Zazenkai and Rohatsu opening with reading from Rohatsu Exhortations.

Day 2: Monday, December 4th 
6pm – 8:45pm: Zazen with reading from the Rohatsu Exhortations around 7pm.

Days 3-5: Tuesday – Thursday December 7th
5am: Choka; Zazen (short period); Kinhin
6am: Zazen; Zazen
6pm: Uninterrupted Zazen; Kinhin
7pm: Rohatsu Exhortations reading and Zazen; Zazen; Kinhin
8pm: Zazen; Zazen

Days 6:  Friday, December 8th
5am-7am: Choka and Zazen
11-noon: Zazen
2pm – 4pm: Dharma Talk and zazen
6pm – 9:25pm: Zazen with reading from the Rohatsu Exhortations around 7pm.
Please see the Rohatsu Sesshin Schedule for these days.

Day 7:  Saturday, December 9th
5am-7am: Choka and Zazen
10am-noon: Zazen
2pm – 4pm: Dharma Talk and zazen
6pm – 10pm: Zazen with reading from the Rohatsu Exhortations around 7pm.
Please see the Rohatsu Sesshin Schedule for these days.

Day 8: Sunday, December 10th
5am; Zazen; Kinhin
5:45am: Closing Sutras; Closing Remarks
8am – 9:30am: Zazenkai and Bodhi Day Ceremony

Essential Information for those joining online
• Please tune in 5-10 minutes before the scheduled start time so you can be settled.
• Download the monastery schedule: Rohatsu Sesshin Schedule (Updated 12.07.23)
• The sutra book we will be using can be downloaded here: Virtual Sutra book
• Read these posts:  Guidelines for Virtual Events and Orientation to Virtual Sesshin.
• To receive the links for Virtual Events by email: Tahoma Events mailing list.

Zoom Link: [ Event has passed. Thanks to all who took part!]

Please email us with any questions: Contact Information

This retreat is offered without charge, however there are costs to putting it on, so please consider making a donation online or in person with this in mind.

Public Teisho During September OSesshin

Please Note
There will be no public teisho on September 9th.

Every day during the September OSesshin (Sept 6th – 12th) except for the 9th, there will be a daily Teisho (dharma talk) from Shodo Harada Roshi. Talks are in Japanese with translations by Daichi Zenni. The talks begin at 1pm and it is requested that attendees arrive 10-15 minutes early to allow time to walk to the zendo and get settled. There will be staff to assist with parking and making your way to zendo. There will be chairs and cushions available for seating and staff on hand to facilitate finding your seat.

Roshi will be speaking on koans from the Blue Cliff Record, please do come for this unique opportunity to hear a living Zen Master speak on the words of our Zen ancestors. 

Directions to the Monastery can be found here:
Visiting Tahoma Zen Monastery

August/September Sesshin at Tahoma

Dear One Drop Sangha and Friends,

The September 2023 OSesshin with Harada Roshi at Tahoma Zen Monastery begins with kokuho on the evening of September 5th and concludes the evening of September 12th. 

There will also be two retreats in August that will be lead by Tahoma monks: 

August 25th – 27th: a weekend samu (work) retreat. 

August 28th – September 1st: a samu KoSesshin.

OSesshin: Tuesday, September 5th – Tuesday, September 12th, 2023

Signups for the OSesshin are closed.

  • Kokuho is Tuesday evening, September 5th.
  • Full time participation is required. OSesshin, led by Harada Roshi, concludes the evening of Tuesday, September 12th.
  • The application for OSesshin will be available July 14th. The link to the application is near the bottom of this email. 
  • The cost of OSesshin is $450. 

The application deadline for OSesshin is Tuesday, August 8th. You will receive an email regarding your acceptance or wait list status soon after the deadline date of August 8th. Please send your sesshin fee once you have been notified of your acceptance. Payment information will be included in the acceptance email. 

Samu Weekend Retreat, August 25th – 27th

Stay the full weekend or come when you can. No registration is required, but please give one day’s notice before you come so we can prepare enough food for everyone.

We’ll start with zazen in the Zendo on Friday evening, August 25th, and continue through Sunday afternoon. Saturday will be the main samu day with work periods and a casual lunch. Sunday will start with Zazenkai followed by a short work period and then lunch. A detailed schedule will be posted on the website and in the July newsletter.

5-day KoSesshin, August 28th – September 1st 

If you’d like to sign up for the KoSesshin please contact the registrar.

We’ll hold a KoSesshin starting the evening of August 28th through to the evening of September 2nd. Registration is required. Register for as many days as you wish.

If you’re coming to OSesshin, consider coming early and participating in this KoSesshin. The KoSesshin will have a longer samu period in the morning, and a teisho (lecture) or question and answer session for part of the afternoon, along with an opportunity for self-practice. Breakfast and lunch will be formal with a free-style supper. 

The samu weekend retreat and the KoSesshin are offered for a suggested donation of $20/day. 

For both events we’ll be working on repairing the yurt, which will include installing a new outer wall, new insulation, and improved flooring so that it is once again usable as sleeping quarters during sesshin. The work to replace the walls will require a few people working together to maneuver the heavy fabric so your help will be appreciated.

We’ll also be working in the garden and in the kitchen to harvest and store produce for sesshin and into the fall. 

Full schedules for these events will be published on the website. 

When you register for the KoSesshin, please select the dates you will attend. The application for the KoSesshin will be available available July 14th, along with the application for the OSesshin. The link to the application is near the bottom of this email.


  • Any help with set up before or clean up following OSesshin would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to arrive a day or two before sesshin and/or stay a day or two after sesshin please contact the monastery to make arrangements. The monastery email address is
  • We are hopeful that we will be able to conduct our September 2023 OSesshin but recognize that our plans, as well as the dates, may need to change suddenly and without notice. If you are purchasing airline tickets please be prepared to cancel your reservations.
  • There may be a wait list for this OSesshin. Those on the wait list will be contacted immediately as spaces become available.

Apply here: Signups are closed for the OSesshin.
Contact the registrar to attend the KoSesshin

Public Teisho During May OSesshin

Each day during the May OSesshin (May 6th – 12th) there will be a daily Teisho (dharma talk) from Shodo Harada Roshi. Talks are in Japanese with translations by Daichi Zenni. The talks begin at 1pm and it is requested that attendees arrive 10-15 minutes early to allow time to walk to the zendo and get settled. There will be staff to assist with parking and making your way to zendo. There will be chairs and cushions available for seating and staff on hand to facilitate finding your seat. We require that all visitors be fully vaccinated and masked to attend this event.

Roshi will be speaking on koans from the Blue Cliff Record, please do come for this unique opportunity to hear a living Zen Master speak on the words of our Zen ancestors. 

Directions to the Monastery can be found here:
Visiting Tahoma Zen Monastery

May 2023 Sesshin

Dear One Drop Sangha and Friends,

The May 2023 Osesshin at Tahoma Zen Monastery begins with kokuho on the evening of May 5th and concludes the evening of May 12th.  Please note that we will consider only applicants who are fully vaccinated, including with the latest bivalent booster. The latest booster is the one that became available in September 2022. 

Osesshin: Friday, May 5th – Friday, May 12th, 2023

  • Kokuho is Friday evening, May 5th.
  • Osesshin, led by Harada Roshi, concludes the evening of Friday, May 12th.
  • Full time participation is required.
  • The cost of Osesshin is $415.  

The application deadline for Osesshin is Friday, March 31st.  You will receive an email regarding your acceptance or waitlist status soon after the deadline date of March 31st.  Please send your sesshin fee once you have been notified of your acceptance.  Payment information will be included in the acceptance email. 

Apply here: [signups are closed. Please contact the registrar for late consideration]

Continue reading “May 2023 Sesshin”

February 2023 OSesshin

This sesshin was canceled. Look for our next sesshin in May.

Dear One Drop Sangha and Friends,

The February 2023 Osesshin at Tahoma Zen Monastery begins with kokuho on the evening of February 5th and concludes the evening of February 12th.  Please note that we will consider only applicants who are fully vaccinated, including with the latest bivalent booster. 

Osesshin: Sunday, February 5th – Sunday, September 12th, 2022
Kokuho is Sunday evening, February 5th.  Osesshin, led by Harada Roshi, concludes the evening of Sunday, February 12th.  Full time participation is required.  The cost of Osesshin is $400.  

The application deadline for Osesshin is Monday, January 2nd.  You will receive an email regarding your acceptance or waitlist status soon after the deadline date of January 2nd.  Please send your sesshin fee once you have been notified of your acceptance.  Payment information will be included in the acceptance email. 

Apply here: [Signup Period has ended]

Continue reading “February 2023 OSesshin”

Rohatsu 2022

Rohatsu Sesshin 2022

December 4th-11th, 2022

The autumn training period culminates with the Rohtasu sesshin commemorating the Buddha’s awakening.  This is always the most intense retreat of the year in which one brings the years worth of training to bear.  This year Rohatsu at Tahoma will run from December 4th through the 11th.  As has been the case with all Rohatsu’s at Tahoma the days get longer and more intense as we go through the week. For this year, the first three days of this retreat will be drop in only with periods in the morning and evening. The remaining days will be our regular full time Rohatsu schedule with drop in and residency options. All in-person attendance requires you to be fully vaccinated with the booster. The entire retreat will be broadcast via zoom. The Zoom link will be posted on the website in the days prior and sent out in the Tahoma Events weekly mailing 

Each evening of the retreat in the first period after golden hour we will read from Hakuin Zenji’s Rohatsu Exhortations (available here). During the full days of retreat the dharma talks will be from Torei Zenji’s Discourse on the Inexhaustible Lamp of the Zen School continuing with the chapter on Faith and Practice. Previous talks on this text can be found here. Day 6 and 7 will feature 10am instructional talks continuing the Autumn Training period theme of Calming and Contemplation. The previous talks can be found here.

Continue reading “Rohatsu 2022”

September 2022 Osesshin Applications  Available

Dear One Drop Sangha and Friends,

The September 2022 Osesshin at Tahoma Zen Monastery begins with kokuho on the evening of September 5th and concludes the evening of September 12th.  Please note that applications are available to those fully vaccinated with a booster.  

Osesshin: Monday, September 5th – Monday, September 12th, 2022
Kokuho is Monday evening, September 5th.  Osesshin, led by Harada Roshi, concludes the evening of Monday, May 12th.  Full time participation is required.  The cost of Osesshin is $400.  

The application deadline for Osesshin is Sunday, July 31st.  Osesshin acceptance emails will be sent soon after the deadline date of July 31st.  Please send your sesshin fee once you have been notified of your acceptance.  Payment information will be included in the acceptance email. 

Apply here: [Registration is now Closed]


*Any help with set up before or clean up following Osesshin would be greatly appreciated.  If you would like to arrive a day or two before sesshin and/or stay a day or two after sesshin please contact the monastery to make arrangements.  The monastery email address is

*As we plan for September Osesshin, the Tahoma staff is working to organize as safe a practice period as possible.  The Covid situation is quite fluid.  We are following the Washington State regulations and will continuously update our policies to conform.  We are hopeful that we will be able to conduct our September 2022 Osesshin but recognize that our plans, as well as the dates, may need to change suddenly and without notice.  For those purchasing airline tickets please be prepared to cancel your reservations. 

*We recommend that persons who are immunocompromised or have chronic medical issues not attend this practice period. 

*There may be a waitlist for this Osesshin.  Those on the waitlist will be contacted immediately as spaces become available. 

Thank you,
Rozan Lenny Gerson
Osesshin registrar
Tahoma Zen Monastery

May Samu KoSesshin 2022

May 9th-12th, 2022
-In-person with online options-

Please Note that the monastery will be closed to the public during sesshin.
We will resume public events May 24th.

The Spring Training period culminates with our May intensive retreats. Before the rigors of the weeklong OSesshin we will engage in a four day Samu KoSesshin. This retreat will be an opportunity to deepen your practice and give back to the monastery in this time when the grounds are so demanding. Whether you take part in this retreat as a focused period of integrated meditative and work practice or as the beginning an extended period of training this is an opportunity to set aside mundane affairs and deeply investigate this great matter.

This is a Samu KoSesshin which means that work practice is a major component of the retreat. This means that this is essentially an in-person retreat. However the in-zendo portions of the retreat will be broadcast over zoom. Those who are unable to join us in person are encouraged to take part in the online retreat. The emphasis will be on the in-person retreat and during the long samu period those taking part online should engage in self-directed work practice.

Sesshin Information

Dharma Talks
Over the Spring Kessei we have been examining the Three Essentials of Zen Practice: Great Confidence, the Fury of Great Determination and Great Uncertainty.  We began with Torei Enji’s Discourse on the Inexhaustible Lamp of the Zen school in our exploration of Great Confidence. We followed this with a deep dive into the Chan Whip Anthology by Jeffery Broughton with its emphasis on Great Determination. Now we turn to Great Uncertainty. We will continue to work with The Chan Whip supplemented with Dahui’s Treasury of the Eye of True Teaching translated by Thomas Cleary as we begin to explore this most vital of the Three Essentials.

Essential Information
• Download the full schedule: Samu KoSesshin Retreat Schedule
• Download updated text for Outside Practices: Outside Practices
• Instructional Talks covering aspects of retreat practice: Instructional Talks.

Online Retreat

Online participants are encouraged to commit for as much of the retreat as they are able to do. Once you’ve committed to a schedule stick to it.  The schedule that will be followed at the monastery can be found here which you can use to coordinate self-directed work practice, physical practice, meals and breaks.  Observe noble silence throughout, for sesshin is a retreat from words and language as much as anything else. In all activities take the single minded approach of practice.

Broadcast Schedule
5am to 7am: Choka; Zazen
2pm to 4:00pm: Dharma Talk; Zazen
6:00pm to 8:45pm: Zazen 

Essential Information
• Download the sutra book: Virtual Sutra book
• Read these posts:  Guidelines for Virtual Events and Orientation to Virtual Sesshin.
• To receive the links for Virtual Events by email: Tahoma Events mailing list.

Zoom Link: {event has passed}

Continue reading “May Samu KoSesshin 2022”

April 2022 Daylong Retreat

April 16th, 2022
-In-person and Online-

Each month during the Spring Kessei we deepen our practice, ramping up toward our May Sesshin. On April 16th, we gather for a full day of practice. For this day we will follow our spring retreat schedule, which allows for more samu time as the demands of the ground in the spring are unrelenting.  We will continue our examinations of the three essentials of Zen (Chan) Practice: Root of Great Confidence, Fury of Great Determination and Great Apprehension and Uncertainty. We will use Torei Enji’s Discourse on the Inexhaustible Lamp of the Zen School and the Chan Whip Anthology by Jeffery Broughton as our primary texts.

All of the events of this retreat are open for in-person and drop-in attendance if you are fully vaccinated.  While one can drop into any of the periods without prior notice, if you wish to attend the whole day, or through any of the meals you must  contact us in advance. This will also be the first event since the summer for which we will be open for residential stays for those fully vaccinated. If you’d like to make it a weekend event from Friday through Sunday or an overnight please contact us to make arrangements.  

We will continue to broadcast these retreats via Zoom for those unable to join us.  We will begin the online broadcast during regular Friday evening zazen and conclude after Sunday’s Zazenkai allowing for one to be able to extend ones practice beyond the full day.

Essential Information for those Joining Online
• Download the full schedule: Daylong Retreat Schedule
• The sutra book we will be using can be downloaded here: Virtual Sutra book
• Read these posts:  Guidelines for Virtual Events and Orientation to Virtual Sesshin.
• To receive the links for Virtual Events by email: Tahoma Virtual Events mailing list.

Broadcast Schedule

Friday, April 15th
6:30pm to 8:20pm: Zazen

Saturday, April 16th
5am to 7am: Choka; Zazen
10:30am to Noon: Zazen
2pm to 4:00pm: Dharma Talk; Zazen
6:00pm to 8:45pm: Zazen 

Sunday, April 17th
5am to 6:30am: Choka; Zazen
8:00am to 9:30am:: Zazenkai

Zoom Link: [Event has passed]

Continue reading “April 2022 Daylong Retreat”