Dear One Drop Sangha and Friends,
The February 2025 OSesshin with Harada Roshi at Tahoma Zen Monastery begins with kokuho on the evening of Thursday, February 20th and concludes the evening of Thursday, February 27th.
OSesshin: Thursday, February 20th – Thursday, February 27th, 2025
- Kokuho is Thursday evening, February 20th.
- Full-time participation is required. OSesshin concludes the evening of Thursday, February 27th.
- The link to the OSesshin application is near the bottom of this email.
- The fee is $450. Donations to support financial aid are welcomed.
- Information about our covid protocol is below.
The application deadline for OSesshin is Thursday, January 9th, 2025. You will receive an email regarding your acceptance or wait list status soon after the deadline date of January 9th. If you are accepted, we’ll send you a link to a page where you’ll confirm your attendance and agree to the sesshin regulations. Payment information will be included in the acceptance email. Please send your sesshin fee as soon as possible.
- Covid protocol: We’ll ask that you take a covid test before you come to Tahoma, upon arrival, and on day 3. Please wear a mask during your trip to Tahoma. We’ll also require masking during chanting. So please bring a supply of N95/KN95 masks and any extra covid tests you have.
- We are not requiring a covid vaccination for this sesshin, but you are encouraged to get one. It’s best to get it about six weeks before the sesshin, which is about when we’ll send the acceptance emails.
Covid protocols are subject to change. If you are accepted into the sesshin, please read the most current information provided on the Policies Agreement that you will receive.
- If you would like to arrive a day or two before sesshin and/or stay a day or two after sesshin please give us your arrival and departure dates when you complete the Policies Agreement. Any help with set up before or clean up following OSesshin would be greatly appreciated. You must contact us to make arrangements for the extra days.
- We hope that we will be able to conduct our February 2025 OSesshin but please recognize that our plans, as well as the dates, may need to change suddenly and without notice. If you are purchasing airline tickets please be prepared to cancel your reservations.
- There may be a wait list for this OSesshin. Those on the wait list will be contacted immediately as spaces become available.
[Registration Deadline has passed. Contact the registrar to inquire into late registration.]
Thank you,
ZenE Tami Settergren
OSesshin registrar
Tahoma Zen Monastery