July 17th Daylong Intensive

Join us for a full day of practice in July. In-person attendance is encouraged for the fully vaccinated, but we will also offer the retreat via Zoom. People are welcome to arrive before evening Zazen on Friday and stay through Zazenkai on Sunday morning for a weekend of practice. This will be the final daylong retreat before the September training month, so a good opportunity to deepen your practice beforehand.

For the fully vaccinated who would like to join us in person, please email us to make arrangements: Tahoma@tahomazenmonastery.com

For those unable to commit to the full day drop-in attendance for any of the bolded events in the below schedule is encouraged for the fully vaccinated.


Saturday July 17th

5:00amChoka (sutras p.3-14)Han;  Kinhin
6:00amZazen; Zazen
7:00amBreakfast; Cleanup
11:00amOutside Uninterrupted Zazen
11:55amLunch; Cleanup
2:00pmDharma Talk; Kinhin
3:00pmZazen; Zazen
4:00pmOutside practice
5:00pmDinner [informal; optional]; Cleanup
6:00pmUninterrupted ZazenHan; Kinhin; 
7:00pmZazenZazen; Kinhin
8:00pmZazen; Zazen
All times Pacific Time. Please arrive/tune in ten minutes before scheduled events.
Events in Bold will be streamed. 

A printable version of the monastery schedule is here: July 2021 Daylong Intensive.

For details on outside practice please see this text: Dewdrops on Stinging Nettles – Outside Practices

Online Retreat

For those joining us online we will broadcast four blocks throughout the day:
5am to 7am: Choka; Zazen
11am to Noon: Zazen
2pm to 4pm: Dharma Talk; Zazen
6pm to 9pm: Zazen

Zoom Link: [event has passed]

Suggestions and procedure for getting the most out of a virtual retreat can be found in our Guidelines for Virtual Events and Orientation to Virtual Sesshin.

Want our Zoom links via email? Join the Virtual Events Announcement mailing list.

We are only able hold these events thanks your generous support.