Tahoma Zen Monastery is now operating on its regular schedule for the Fully Vaccinated.
As per CDC guidelines, which WA State has adopted, indoor activities can be undertaken without masks for those who are fully vaccinated. Thus we will hold our regular Choka, Evening Zazen, Zazenkai and Retreats for those who are vaccinated without masks. Zazenkai tea will be held out doors on the Kitchen Deck throughout the summer.
As per WA State guidelines we still must operate at 50% capacity and the zendo has been setup with this in mind. If one finds each seat in the Zendo occupied we ask that you come at another time. These restrictions are expected to lift by the end of June.
It is still best practice to stay home if you feel sick and to continue to regularly wash your hands and use hand sanitizer.
Apart from the Zendo during scheduled practice periods please continue to stay out of the buildings.
We welcome people to continue to enjoy the grounds which can be walked by anyone without a mask.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.