Final Spring Samu Day at Tahoma
This will be our final scheduled Samu day for Spring 2021 and it is looking to be a beautiful, warm, sunny day.. We really could use your help particularly in the columbarium. We will be able to offer safe Physically Distanced samu throughout Tahoma Campus (don’t want to work outside? we can accommodate!) We can have people wildly separated in the multiple regions that need work and we can all safely work out of doors. We will provide refreshments on the Kitchen deck to fuel our labor and strive to keep everyone safe and happy. We will conclude with a casual (but safely distanced) meetup on the deck where we will serve a simple lunch. We hope to see you here!
May 15th 9:00am, to 12:30 (PDT).
Please do not arrive overly early. Meet at the Kitchen.
Directions to Tahoma Zen Monastery: Getting Here.
Please contact us if you have any questions: contact information.
* Note as per new CDC guidelines masks are not required for the vaccinated. If unvaccinated please wear your mask.