Virtual Sesshin May 12th-16th
Sesshin provides a container for sustained practice, a container that most of us need in order to reach that level of intensity. At sesshin we are able to go deep into our zazen knowing that we simple need to sit, stand, walk, eat and do tasks as directed. In this time where gathering together for sesshin is impossible, it is still of immense value to have a period of increased intensity. Thus we here at Tahoma will offer a Virtual Sesshin.
This event will stream throughout the day following the usual activities one would expect in a sesshin. In between these periods in the zendo, those of us at the monastery will follow a regular sesshin schedule while those of you at home will have to take on those activities yourself. This allows for the container of sesshin, the motivation of knowing there are structured times for zazen, while still being able to hold ones individual practice. There is still a self-directed aspect of course and one is free to do as little or as much of the activities as one can or desires to do.
We will post further details along with a finalized schedule in the days before the session but it will basically follow our Day of Practice Schedule:
5:00am-6:00am | Choka (Sutras); Zazen; Kinhin |
6:00am to 6:55am | Zazen; Zazen |
7:00am to 11:00am | Breakfast / samu / break |
11:00am-11:50am | Uninterrupted Zazen |
12pm-1:30pm | Lunch / break |
2:00pm-2:50pm | Dharma Talk; Zazen; Kinhin |
3:00-3:50 | Zazen; Zazen |
4:00pm-5:30pm | Outside Practice / dinner / Break |
6:00pm-6:50pm | Uninterrupted Zazen; Kinhin |
7:00pm-8:00pm | Zazen; Zazen; Kinhin |
8:00pm-9:00pm | Zazen; Zazen; Closing Sutra |
Before taking part in a Virtual Event at Tahoma please read this post:
Guidelines for Virtual Events
To receive the link for the Virtual even please join this mailing list:
Tahoma Virtual Events mailing list.
Download sutra book here: Tahoma Sutra book
Dai Segaki can be found here: Chant booklet