Rohatsu Observance January 16th-19th, 2020
This January, 2020 we will hold a KoSesshin at Tahoma Zen Monastery in observance of the traditional Rohatsu sesshin. There will be three full days concluding with an early morning Bodhi Day Ceremony on Sunday the 19th. Attendance can be for the whole period or any fraction that works for you. We ask that those interested in attendance in any capacity please email us with your desired attendance. During these days drop-in attendance is available in the morning period before breakfast and the evening period after dinner.
The schedule for the first two days (January 16th and 17th) will follow our standard Day of Practice Schedule with an extended period of zazen into the late evening of the third day (January 18th). Sunday, January 19th, we will have Choka and zazen an hour earlier at 4am followed by a Bodhi Day Celebration and an informal breakfast. For those who wish to sit with the local sangha we will wrap everything up with Zazenkai at 8am.
For attendance of a day or more, we require registration. Part time attendance is allowed. Please email to signup and let us know your attendance plans.
Directions to the monastery can be found here: location and directions
Sesshin guidelines can be found here: Sesshin Guidelines
There is no fee for this sesshin but donations of food, funds or time are always welcome.
Drop in attendance
If you wish to drop in for a period of zazen, the following times are available:
4:50am to 7:55am: Choka and two periods of zazen
5:20pm to 8:30pm: Three blocks of two periods of zazen with kinhin in between.
You can sit for one hour in any of these blocks, please arrive during the kinhin, or before Gosei and leave during kinhin or at the end of the period. Sesshin attendees will be continuing directly to the next event and we ask that you directly leave and not interact with sesshin participants.
Call for Assistance
We could use your help for this sesshin. We would like to have prepared dishes: soups, salads, casseroles and other food that can be stored for a few days. We would also gratefully accept food donations of sweets for tea, coffee and snacks for breaks, fruit and vegetables that we can use at meals and really any other food items we could put to use for sesshin
Additionally if you are planning to attend we would like people to help with meal preparation, tea serving, chant services and the like. If you have taken part in any of these activities or would like to learn please let us know. Everyone will need to help in one way or another and we will do in situ training as needed.