February 2020 OSesshin

The February 2020 training period at Tahoma Zen Monastery will consist of an OSesshin led by Shodo Harada Roshi.     

OSESSHIN: February 5th  – February 12th, 2020
Kokuho is Wednesday evening, February 5th.  Osesshin concludes the evening of Wednesday, February 12th.  Full time participation is required.  

The application deadline is Sunday, December 29th.  Acceptance emails will be sent soon after the first of the year.  Please send your Osesshin fee once you have been notified of your acceptance.  The cost of Osesshin is $400. 

The application is here: sesshin application

Schedules, guidelines for conduct, and directions to the monastery can be found on the Sesshin page

Please consider arriving a day early to help with set up or staying a day after to assist with clean up.  Any help you can provide towards this effort would be greatly appreciated.  Temple housing is limited and we appreciate your flexibility.  There may be a wait-list. People on the wait-list will be contacted immediately as spaces become available.

One Drop Zendo Los Angeles: February 13th – February 15th, 2020
Kokuho is Thursday evening.  Space is limited and you must be registered to attend.  For further information, please contact Jikun