Zen Lecture by Harada Roshi
Rinzai Zen Master Shōdō HARADA Rōshi
Founding Abbot of
Tahoma Zen MonasteryWill Give a Public Talk on: “Zen In Our Time”
Sunday, September 10th ~ 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Bayview Community Hall
5642 Bayview Rd, Langley, WA 98260Please plan to stay afterwards to greet Roshi in a special event.
(It’s a surprise!)
In 1989 Harada Roshi began coming to the Seattle area to give
talks and Zen retreats to all interested students.Cost for the event: $ 10 at the door.
One Drop Zendo AssociationWISDOM LECTURE SERIES: 2017 www.tahomazenmonastery.