June 2017 Tahoma Monastery Messages Newsletter

Tahoma -San Sogenji Zen Monastery

For information about visiting
or special events at Tahoma Zen Monastery
please contact Tony Dairyō Fairbank at
phone: 360.331.4142
email:   tahoma@whidbey.com
website: www.tahomazenmonastery.com

 Roshi offering incense May 14 for the groundbreaking ceremony of the Tahoma Columbarium in the woods between the garden and the hermitage. A columbarium is a resting place for ashes of the deceased.  The term comes from the Latin columba (dove) and originally referred to compartmentalized housing for doves and pigeons called a dovecote. Columbaria are similar in form to traditional Buddhist temples, which from ancient times have housed cremated ashes. In Buddhism, ashes of the deceased may be placed in a columbarium -in Chinese, a naguta (“bone-receiving pagoda”); in Japanese, a nokotsudo (“bone-receiving hall”)- which can be either attached to or a part of a Buddhist temple or cemetery. This practice allows for the family of the deceased to visit the temple for the conduct of traditional memorials and ancestor rites. The ashes of Mitsuyu Koji, Jundo Koji, Hyakurei Osho, and Dainin Koji, currently on the Tahoma altar, will eventually be moved to the columbarium when completed. Harada Roshi tell us his ashes will eventually be housed there as well.

June 2017 Events

2017 Dharma Wisdom Talks: Present Day Reflections on Buddhism


June 16 Friday & 18 Sunday
Hozan Alan Senauke, Soto Zen priest, folk musician, and writer who resides at the Berkeley Zen Center in Berkeley, California, where he currently serves as Vice Abbot.
June 16. Watermoon Dojo. 7 – 8:30 pm
June 18. Whidbey Island.Tahoma Zen Monastery.
1-2:30/ 3 pm
More information about Alan Senauke (here)

The Wisdom Lecture Series is being presented in 2017 with new topics.

Talks will be held in Seattle at Nalanda West, the Watermoon Dojo in Fremont, and on Whidbey Island at Tahoma Zen Monastery. 

In Seattle, talks will be Friday or Saturday nights, 7 – 8:30 pm, at Nalanda West, 3902 Woodland Park Ave North
or at Water Moon Dōjō4231 6th Ave. NW., Seattle, WA, 98107. It is the dark green house across from Hale’s Ales on Leary Way. Parking is available on the street, or across Leary Way by the Fred Meyer.

On Whidbey, talks will be Sundays from 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 or 3:00 p.m., at the Tahoma Zen Monastery, 6499 Wahl Rd., Freeland (Sunday talks end around 2:30 or 3:00 pm, depending on the speaker). 

2017 Lecture dates:

JUNE see above
Michael Lerner

(please note exception: On a SATURDAY, NOT a Friday night)
Thomas Yuho Kirchner

Shodo Harada Roshi
Whidbey Island, Tahoma Zen Monastery.

Jan Chozen Bays
NOVEMBER 10 & 12
Victor Sogen Hori
Individual events are available at the door for $20 per lecture in Seattle at and $10 at Tahoma One Drop Zen Monastery.  Please bring cash or check.  Fees go to cover the expenses of the Series, which include travel expenses to bring our lecturers here. Books, calendars, and other materials will be available for purchase, as well as some materials from presenters.

Thank you for attending, and thank you for supporting Harada Roshi’s efforts and the dedication and wisdom these speakers bring to this series. 

Help with promotion, spreading the word, set up and clean up for this inspired project of Harada Roshi is encouraged and welcomed.  Fliers made by Dairyo are available for each speaker, and we can send a copy for you to distribute in your area. Tahoma@whidbey.com

More details, lecturer bios, locations, etc.,: here

SUNDAY ZAZENKAI: Happening every week of the year without interruption.

Roshi said Sunday Zazenkai meditation happens every Sunday at Tahoma Zen Monastery regardless of sesshin schedule or other events at Tahoma monastery. Sundays from 8 am- 9 am, followed by tea. Occasionally tea with Roshi will be occur Sunday mornings  in Feb., May, and Sept. instead. Roshi said Sunday Zazenkai is happening at Tahoma year round; he said that people should not have to wonder if it is happening or not. Due to sesshin schedules there may not always be time for tea and conversation afterwards; however, meditation will always be offered.

Sundays in the Zendo at 8:00 – 9:00 a.m.

Zazenkai means “Za (Sitting) Zen (Awareness) Kai (Group)”, and includes sutra chanting, two short periods of zazen, a short Qigong exercise, and a brief reading from spiritual texts.  Generally followed by tea and sweets if time permits, there is an opportunity for questions, discussion, and community conversation. Beginners are always welcome and may ask for assistance in sitting posture and zen mediation. 

Walking Kinhin meditation between Zendo sitting periods, Photo by Kiki Shuho Giet

Daichi Roshi will come to Tahoma for a Kosesshin July 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. Kokuho will be evening of July 12. Attendance is open to all, part time or full time, no formal registration required. People can attend morning or evening sitting. Please do RSVP by calling Dairyo at the monastery (360) 331-4142 or writing your dates of coming and going at Tahoma@whidbey.com
Daichi Roshi will visit Watermoon Dojo July 18 evening before departing for Japan. 

Donations of fresh flowers, fragrant teas, mid morning work snacks, evening tea snacks both savory and sweet, and fresh vegetables are always welcome at the monastery, If you have extra alarm clocks, those are appreciated. The monastery exists entirely on donations. Any donations from the group in the form of time, food, work around the grounds, money, or material objects are appreciated. Many thanks.

*If you are organizing your travel plans to and from the monastery, please plan to spend the day before and after Sesshin helping with set up and clean up. Please organize your own travel to and from the monastery, Taxis are available to the monastery property. Directions to the monastery here. *
What to bring – sesshin guidelines- here.

Daichi Roshi will lead a 7 day Sesshin in late September – approximate dates are Sept 20-27, 2017. September Training dates will be formally announced in July. For future planning, approximate dates known at this time are: Kosesshin Kokuho Sept 5, 4 day Kosesshin Sept 6,7,8,9. Public talk by Harada Roshi Sept 10 1-3 pm. Sept Osesshin Sept 12-18. Sesshin with Daichi Roshi Sept 20-27. Watermoon Talk evening of Sept 28. Applications will be available when Receptionist Rozan sends out a formal announcement in the beginning of July. Watch for it.

Taigan, Daichi Roshi, Soon, and Sokei at Tahoma


*when Sesshin is not in sessionChoka (morning chanting
and zazen)                     5:00 – 6:00 a.m.
Morning Zazen              605 a.m. – 7:00 a.m.
Evening Zazen              6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Zazen (sitting meditation) periods are 25 minutes with a few minutes break in between.  Please be in the Zendo and on a cushion ten minutes before zazen begins.  If you arrive after a period has started, please wait in the entrance area on a cushion until the period ends before coming into the Zendo.
Chairs and kneeling benches are freely available.

Residents of the Monastery follow this schedule; however, non-residents are welcome to drop in anytime for one or more periods without previous announcement.

Tending Clouds, Yurt, and Buji An By Diane Jhueck

May Training Period completed!
A 4 day Kosesshin was followed by a public talk, a 7 day Samu Sesshin, and a 7 day Sesshin with Daichi Roshi. 33 attended the 4 day, 37 attended the 7 day, and 32 attended Daichi Roshi’s sesshin, with 15 core participants living at Tahoma the whole month.

Dairyo. Stefan, Jikishin, Kevin, Jusen, Steven Dee, Ash, Shokei, Gensho, Allie, Taliesein, Shogan
Dairyo, Stefan, Jikishin, Kevin, Jusen, Steven D, Sokei, Shokei, Gensho, Allie, Taliesin, Seiwa

Tenzo Magic with Jiyu and Shuho

Rozan and Bruce

Wild Irises by Tahoma Pond

Chi Kung exercises during Daichi Roshi’s sesshin taught by Dairyo

Meitoku Breakfast Tenzo chanting daily Itaten before breakfast

Tahoma Office…

May 15 Harada Roshi gave Jukai to Josephine Harris, Cynthia Trowbridge, and Nick Sayko. Roshi said from now on we are to say the Juaki recipient’s family name in the Eko to recognize their ancestral lineage. Josephine, a longtime friend of One Drop who helped create Tahoma, is now Jisho, Radiant Compassion of Avolokiteshvara. Cynthia, founder of Enso House and longtime zazen participant, is now Myokan, Bright and Honest Reflecting Mirror. Nick, ardent local shugyo, is now Fukuo, Face of Fortune.

Jukai in Zendo with Jisho, Myokan, Fukuo


Jisho greeting sesshin shugyosha on the path

“May we always live in a way that makes us worthy to receive your offerings.”     

****Adopt a Lawn! ***** Adopt a section of Tahoma grounds and come mow ‘your section’ when you can every week or 10 days. Help with mowing is especially appreciated during the growing season. Until we fix the riding mower, the hand guided gas push mower still works well.

-Working lawn mowers
-Weed Whackers
-Clipping and weeding tools
-Alarm Clocks
-Working coffee makers
-Clean livable sleeping trailer for parking lot to house visiting monks and guests
-masking tape, writing pens, paper, spare office supplies
-printer ink
– Japanese hot water dispensers

Visit the Tahoma Lake and Yaza platform made by Leah. Photo by Sokei
Come enjoy the summertime lake and Yaza deck made by Leah. Photo by Sokei

Question: “For those of us trying to practice the Dharma, what is the most important thing to remember?”
Harada Roshi Answer: “Right Here, Right Now.”


Head Monk:
Tony Dairyō Fairbank

Tahoma One Drop Zen Monastery
6499 Wahl Road
Freeland, WA 98249
Directions to the monastery here.
Email:   tahoma@whidbey.com
Phone:  360.331.4142
