Zen monk and noted author Tom Yūhō Kirchner will speak on: “Zen and Christianity: What Can the Christian Tradition Offer Zen?”
Same talk, two dates:
Friday Evening, November 18, 7:00- 8:30 pm
Nalanda West 3902 Woodland Park Ave N., Seattle
Sunday Afternoon, November 20 , 1- 2:30 pm
Tahoma One Drop Zen Monastery
6499 Wahl Rd., Freeland, WA (Whidbey Island)
An associate researcher at the International Research Institute for Zen Studies at Hanazono University in Kyoto, Tom Kirchner has participated in a number of gatherings of the East-West Spiritual Exchange program founded by Mumon Roshi many years ago, and has remained an ongoing participant in East-West dialogue ever since. Tom currently lives in Tenryūji Zen Temple in western Kyōto, and appears as part of One Drop Zendo’s “Wisdom Lecture Series: 2016.” This will be the last lecture of the season.